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About LiMHS
Liverpool Medical History Society
The Liverpool Medical History Society was founded in 1984. It is affiliated to the British Society for the History of Medicine, and supported by the Cohen Bequest via the University of Liverpool. Meetings are held at the Liverpool Medical Institution. They reflect the diverse backgrounds and interests of our members, including ancient medicine, general practice, occupational medicine, dentistry, nursing, clinical practice, medical education, veterinary science, military medicine, art and medicine, demography and social policy.
Liverpool Medical History Students' Society
Liverpool Medical History Student Society is the student wing of LiMHS.
Event Programme
Liverpool Medical History Society Events
LiMHS events are free to attend - book your place with Eventbrite! Lectures are followed by a drinks reception for all, then an optional informal supper with the speaker. Suppers are 2-courses with wine – STUDENTS only £8, all others £13.50 (suppers must be pre-booked by email:
The Journal of the LiMHS: 'Medical Historian'
The journal of the Society, Medical Historian, has been published annually since 1988. Speakers are invited to submit a written (referenced) version of their paper of up to 8,000 words for inclusion in the number issued at the end of the session. The support of the Cohen bequest in producing the Bulletin is gratefully acknowledged.
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