The LMI is very grateful for donations of any amount. We are a Registered Educational Charity, Number 210112. Making a donation to the LMI is easy and we can accept donations in a variety of ways.
Ways to Donate
You can use the donation button displayed on this page to make a single or recurring donation online via Paypal or debit / credit card. If you decide to donate online we would be most grateful if you could also complete a Gift Aid form, in order that we can make the most of your donation.
Debit or Credit Card
Donations can be taken over the phone, or in person at the LMI Office.
We can accept cash donations in person at the LMI office. Please do not send cash by post.
Please make cheques payable to "Liverpool Medical Institution" and post to Liverpool Medical Institution, 114 Mount Pleasant, Liverpool, L3 5SR.
Bankers' Standing Order
Please contact the LMI office for a form.
Directly into our Bank
We can provide you with a reference number and the details to use for a bank transfer or BACS payment. Please contact the LMI office for details.
Give As You Earn (GAYE)
This is a scheme whereby regular gifts can be deducted from a donor's gross pay before tax by his employer and sent to the LMI. Most NHS employers operate GAYE but the NHS Superannuation Scheme does not.
Life Time Non-Cash Gifts
Gifts of property or shares can be made to LMI and their value can be set against the donor's liability for income tax. For example, this might apply to small 'untidy' holdings in shares and securities. Potential donors should act on the advice of their tax accountants.
Gift Aided Donations
How does Gift Aid work?
By far the most beneficial way of making gifts to charity is by using Gift Aid, this is because charities enjoy special tax advantages. If you, the donor, make a donation to charity, of whatever amount, the charity can reclaim the basic tax on that donation if it is made under a Gift Aid declaration. This means that a donation of £100 is worth £125 to the LMI if it is made under Gift Aid rules. Please click the button above to download a Gift Aid form.
Note: if the donor pays income tax at a higher rate than 20% the donor can reclaim, from the HMRC, the difference between their marginal rate of tax (40% or higher) and the basic rate when they or their accountant prepares their annual return. There is a strictly enforced scale of benefits that the LMI can give to donors without impairing the LMI’s right to the benefits of the Gift Aid legislation or its charitable status. Subscriptions and charges for attending social or technical meetings are subject to this scale (e.g. 2.5% of a gift up to £100). However, these payments may be deductible under the individual’s personal tax regime.
Gift Aid Small Donations Scheme - Small Change Welcome!
This scheme was set up in 2013 to enable eligible charities to make a claim under the Gift Aid scheme in respect of small cash donations of £20 or less from an individual without the donor completing any formal documentation. You may donate to the LMI by, for example, paying £20 for a function with a charge of £18.
Every little helps!
Do you always need to sign a certificate saying that the donation is made under the Gift Aid rules?
No - the form of declaration can be varied. You could sign a certificate for the one donation, you could state that it is for a series of donations or you can state that it will cover all future donations to that charity for life! The Liverpool Medical Institution declaration is the latter.
You could therefore give an amount each week, month or annually or just make one donation. These rules replace the previous system of Deeds of Covenant. However, if you have an existing Deed of Covenant (ie, one in place before 6th April 2000) it can remain in place until it expires and will still obtain the tax advantages.