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Here you will find obituaries for some of our past members. They are arranged in alphabetical order by surname.

Agnew, Dr Robin A L

Consultant Chest Physician

Dr Robin Agnew. Born 1926, qualified 1950 BA, MA, MD Dubl., FRCP Irel. Died 19th February 2022.

Agnew, Dr Robin A L

Alty, Dr Henry M

Consultant Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon


Mr Henry Myers Alty.  Qualified Liverpool 1958.  Died 27th February 2019.

Alty, Dr Henry M

Armour, Mr Roger Hanif

General and Vascular Surgery (retired)

Mr Roger Armour.  Qualified 1956.  Died 11th September 2020.

Armour, Mr Roger Hanif

Azurdia, Dr Michael

General Practitioner

Dr Carlos Michael Azurdia.  Qualified Liverpool 1963.  Died 26th January 2021.

Azurdia, Dr Michael

Bamforth, Dr Stuart

General Practitioner

Dr John 'Stuart' Bamforth.   Qualified Liverpool 1956.  Died September 2016.

Bamforth, Dr Stuart

Beckett, Dr Peter

General Practitioner


Dr Peter Beckett.  Born 1934.  Qualified Liverpool 1963.  Died 8th January  2018.

Unable to obtain an obituary
Beckett, Dr Peter

Beddard, Dr John Baron

Consultant Anaesthetist

Dr J B Beddard, Consultant Anaesthetist.  Life Member 1968.  Died 2nd April 2023.

Waiting on Obituary
Beddard, Dr John Baron

Breckenridge, Professor Sir Alasdair



Professor Sir Alasdair M Breckenridge.  Qualified MB ChB St Andrews 1961.  Died 12th December 2019.

Waiting on Obituary
Breckenridge, Professor Sir Alasdair

Brewer, Mr Clifford

Consultant Surgeon


Mr Clifford Brewer.  Born 1913.  Qualified Liverpool 1935.  Consultant Surgeon.  Died 29th April 2017 on his 104th birthday.

Brewer, Mr Clifford

Brooker, Dr Bertram Keir

Consultant Psychiatrist

Dr Bertram Keir Brooker.  Born 3rd January 1932.  Qualified Liverpool 1955.  Died 19 December 2024.

Brooker, Dr Bertram Keir

Brundrett, Dr Geoffrey

Public Health Researcher

Dr Geoffrey Brundrett .  Born 1934.  Qualified Liverpool 1955.  Died 2020.

Brundrett, Dr Geoffrey

Calvey, Dr Thomas Norman

Consultant Clinical Pharmacologist


Mr Thomas Norman Calvey.  Qualified Liverpool 1958.  Died 12th April 2017.

Calvey, Dr Thomas Norman

Campbell, Dr John A

Consultant Pathologist


Dr John A Campbell.  Consultant Pathologist.  Born 1923.  John qualified from Trinity College, Dublin in 1946.  Died August 2015.

Campbell, Dr John A

Carmichael, Dr James H E

Consultant Radiologist


Dr James Carmichael.  Consultant Radiologist.  Past President of LMI.  Died 26.4.2018, aged 94.

Carmichael, Dr James H E

Carty, Dr Austin T

Consultant Radiologist

Austin Timothy Carty.  Qualified Dublin 1964.  Consultant Radiologist, RLUH.  Past President of LMI.  Died Friday 27th August 2021.

Carty, Dr Austin T

Carty, Professor Helen

Professor of Paediatric Radiology


Helen Marie Louise Carty.  Qualified Dublin 1964.  Past President of LMI.  Died 23rd April 2017.

Carty, Professor Helen

Couch, Dr Audrey

Consultant Radiologist


Audrey Couch.  Consultant Radiologist.  Born 1927.  Qualified Liverpool 1953.  Died 20th September 2017.

Couch, Dr Audrey

Crosbie, Mr Reginald

Consultant Surgeon


Mr Reginald Crosbie.  Qualified MB ChB, Liverpool 1955, BSc London 1950, ARIC, FRCS Ed, FRCS Eng.  Died 26th January 2018.

Crosbie, Mr Reginald

Dalby, Dr John E

Consultant Radiotherapist, Clatterbridge Cancer Centre.


John Edgar Dalby. Born 1926.  Qualified Trinity Hall, Cambridge 1946; M.A; F.R.C.R.  Died after a short illness on 13th November 2019.

Dalby, Dr John E

Davidson, Mr Arthur Sam

Consultant ENT Surgeon, Dean and Regional Advisor in Postgraduate Medicine, Mersey Region


Arthur Samuel Davidson. Born 1919, qualified Liverpool 1942, DLO Eng 1944, FRCS Ed 1950, Consultant ENT Surgeon to Wirral Hospitals, Postgraduate Dean, Mersey Region. Life Member Liverpool Medical Institution, Fell Roy Soc Med.), died following a fractured neck of femur, 24th December, 2016.

Davidson, Mr Arthur Sam

Davies, Dr Peter Whitney

General Practitioner

Dr Peter Whitney Davies, General Practitioner. Born 10th November 1929. Qualified Liverpool 1955. Died 17th May 2021.

Davies, Dr Peter Whitney

Desmet (née Irving), Dr Irene

Paediatric Surgeon

Irene Desmet, née Irving.  Born 25th March 1928.  Qualified MB ChB Liverpool 1952, FRCS Eng 1957, Ch.M Liverpool 1969.  Died 5th March 2020.

Desmet (née Irving), Dr Irene

Dixon, Dr Tina A

Consultant Allergist

Dr Tina A Dixon.   Qualified MB ChB University of Liverpool 1974.  Consultant Allergist, Alder Hey Children's Hospital.  Died May 2022. 

Waiting on Obituary
Dixon, Dr Tina A

Dr A Martindale

Consultant Anaesthetist

Dr Anne Martindale (nee Jacques).   Qualified University of Liverpool 1958.  Consultant Anaesthetist, Broadgreen Hospital.  Died 25th June 2022.

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Dr A Martindale
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